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Health Benefits of Pine Nuts

Pine nuts

Pine nuts are natural appetite suppressants and contain:

Pine nuts are extremely nutritious; they have antioxidant properties and are higher in fibre than your average breakfast cereal. Also, they contain high levels of monounsaturated fatty acids, arginine, magnesium and potassium, all of which can assist in preventing heart disease; they are a good source of vitamin B2, vitamin E and zinc; they help reduce cholesterol and last but not least, they also work as an appetite suppressant through their effect on satiety hormones. Quite a long list of benefits! Instinctively, I feel pine nuts must be good for you, as they have historically been very widely used – from Italian pesto to Middle Eastern kibbeh to being used as an aphrodisiac in Ancient Greece. Pine nuts are also high in calories, so as with most foods, don’t go overboard!